I was on the rec yard at the Hilltop Trusty Camp (women’s prison unit) watching the birds. It was springtime and birds were collecting materials to build nests. The pigeons in particular caught my attention with the way they selected twigs. When a possible twig for the building was found, the pigeons would pick it up, roll it in their beaks, then tap it several times on the ground in different ways and places, testing to see if the piece held. If the twig wasn’t fit, the bird discarded it and looked for another. If the twig turned out sturdy, it passed the test and was taken up into the pavilion rafters to become part of a new home.
An interesting truth of God emerged. “The Word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him” (2 Samuel 22:31 NKJV). ‘Proven’ here speaks about something that has been tested and shown to have integrity; to hold and be able to stand upon. The idea is that of a bridge. When going across a body of water, you want that bridge to hold and to have 100% integrity. You don’t want to get partway across only to realize the bridge just has 99% integrity or you won’t be able to make it to the other side.
Through these birds, God revealed how testing the twigs applies to Christian life. Concerning information, beliefs, thoughts, even feelings…we are to test these things against His Word to see if each is true or a lie. If what is tested holds up in light of His Truth, then we apply it to our nest, which is our heart and God’s home. If what was tried didn’t align with what God gave us in the Bible, we discard it and move on like the pigeons were quick to do.
To paraphrase 2 Timothy 2:15, The Holy Spirit through Paul, teaches us to study to show ourselves approved to God, not needing to be ashamed and able to correctly divide the Word of Truth. Approved doesn’t mean thinking we’re better or accepted by God because we know Scripture, it has to do with growth, in receiving the Word of God and allowing the Holy Spirit to internally transform us, as we mature in Christ. In the 10 years since this time on the yard, as I line up what I’m hearing with God’s Word with everything that comes my way, I stand firm in any situation, even enemy onslaughts. In recent times, as God reminded me of the twigs, I saw where I failed to run my thoughts through His tested Truth, thereby shaken and stumbling in the trials and regular twigs of life that have come my way.
My encouragement to you today is to test your twigs; the things you see, hear, or believe, against the Word of God. If the twig proves true, take it in and let the Lord build your nest with it. If the twig is contrary to God, leave it and move forward, knowing the firm foundation of Christ in you is being built with an integrity that will hold till the end.