Thank you so much to all of you who prayed for our weekend at the O’Daniel and Hilltop units!
What a great time was had Saturday and Sunday with the women at both the movie night and the chapel services!
A moving and inspiring movie, The Forge, was shown at both units on Saturday. Hilltop had around 80 ladies come out to see it, including the ladies from the trusty camp. They loved the chance of getting to have seconds of the popcorn and lemonade!! We’re so grateful to have the opportunity to bless them with such simple things!
The volunteers at O’Daniel shared they had a wonderful time with the ladies there as well! The guards were thinking it might be low attendance because of the crazy cold weather, but they were so happy to see 193 ladies come out to watch the movie!! They, too, loved enjoying the popcorn and lemonade, and they seemed very emotionally engaged in the movie, as many were on the edge of their seats while they watched. Volunteers were excited to also share the movie with the ladies in the restricted housing areas!
It was truly a blessed time for all the women of these units and our volunteers!
Sunday brought our volunteers back to each of the units for awesome chapel services! At O’Daniel, around 75-100 women braved the cold and were in attendance. The praise and worship team did an amazing job leading the women in joyful praise! The message centered around the book of Ruth and the ladies were allowed to make comments and ask questions. One of the best was…”Why didn’t they just listen to God instead of leaving in the first place?” “How did Ruth just leave everything and want to go with Naomi?” They were quite engaged in this teaching, and it really felt like a wonderful Bible study with them, which was enjoyed by all! While the chapel service was being held, ministry was also being carried out in the restricted housing areas. Just a great day with all the women at this unit!
Chapel services with the women of Hilltop were just as wonderful! They saw 64 ladies turn out for the main chapel service, and 32 ladies at the trusty camp service. A great message was brought out of Matthew 27:50-51.
We know that weekends like this are such an encouragement for these women, and we are so grateful that God uses so many different ways to speak into their lives!
We want to give a huge thank you to all our volunteers who were so faithful and willing to serve the Lord behind prison walls regardless of how chilly the weather was! We know that all that went on left them with very warm hearts!