“When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but
when I became a man, I put away childish things” –
I Corinthians 13:11 (NKIV)
I met a young lady, a Christian woman, who I thought loved the Lord with all of her heart. I was thinking, I was so blessed to have met someone as nice as her. Honestly, she had me fooled. Over the course of the next three days, she had me running for cover. I was called every name under the sun with no reason at all… she destroyed my property and eventually decided she would end my life without any further thought.
I had no other choice but to humble myself and let the will of God be done. God brought me out and I was no longer childish in my ways and understanding. Although I can’t go back and make a brand new start, I was able to start all over and make a brand new ending. I prayed my way through and continue to pray for her growth in the Lord.
A baby will let you know that he or she is hungry or tired when they cry because that’s the way God ordained it. We all have to be taught about safety as adolescence due to the lack of understanding of the possibilities of our actions. Christopher Columbus left a mark in history due to his thoughts of the formation of this earth. If he had only searched further, he would have found out the truth. When I first learned how to ride a bike, I had training wheels. Now that I am older, I don’t need them anymore.
We all desire to be successful in our lives. Success requires a great deal of practice and determination. Everything requires growth for the skill at hand. Whether it’s becoming a great evangelist, college professor, or a famous singer, it takes great determination to be placed on such a high status. We as Christians grow in our faith differently than others, no matter how old we are. We must make mature and rational decisions to grow effectively. Preparation of the mind will allow you to grow by making more self-conscience and less risk-taking decisions, allowing us to meet our desired needs over time and be successful in all our endeavors.
Some people tend to mature through trial and error rather than through age and maturity. Some people tend to be stuck in their ways getting the same results for their behavior. Will that be you in your walk with Christ? Or will you put away your childish understanding when it is time to deal with the issues in life? God is love and love is kind, love is patient, and love is goodness. As Christians, we must always set an example and lead others to Christ, showing love in everything that we may do. Amen