“For she said, ‘If I may touch but His clothes, I shall be whole’.”
Mark 5:28 (KJV)
As children, and even as adults, many of us have something that is taken; our wholeness. At the age of 5, my wholeness, my innocence, my virtue were taken. At 7, shortly after my issue began, my poor mother, like the woman in this verse, had spent all she had…literally hundreds of thousands of dollars. I thank God we had insurance. Just like what is recorded in Mark, I had suffered many things of many physicians, including further sexual encounters (at their hands and others), drug use, as well as mental and physical cruelty. Nothing was made better, but rather grew worse. I ended up on the streets and ultimately in prison.
It was then that I read, “When she heard of Jesus.” (vs. 27) Have you heard of Jesus? I remember when I really first heard of Him, I was 17 (twelve years after my issue began) and coming out of rehab for the seventh time. I had been attending a 12-step program and I realized that there was something missing. It was missing Jesus! I reached out to Him and He called to me. He wanted to know me! You see, I had not taken something from Him, it was something He had given to me – His virtue. He made me whole! Such a miraculous thing had been done, to have His power in my own life. I could do nothing but confess it all to Him.
Has your virtue, your wholeness been taken? Reach out to Him. He will heal you of this plague. Fall before Him and tell Him all the truth. He will call you Daughter. He will call you Son. He will give you PEACE.