About Us

Help Fulfill the Words of Christ by Supporting Our Programs:
Disciples 4 Christ is a coalition of Churches and Ministries providing spiritual guidance, mentoring, life skills training, parenting classes, and other programs for incarcerated men, women, and their families.
Church Service – Volunteers bringing the word of God to the men and women within the gates, through Praise and worship, testimonies and a sermon, encouraging the offender in their walk with Christ.
Cell to Cell Ministry – A team of volunteers goes cell to cell praying and encouraging those who for one reason or another won’t be able to join the regular chapel service.
Faith-Based Workshops – A day-long program that focuses on giving the offender the life skills needed to be productive in their current environment as well as help them upon release.
Family Fun Days – An event that unites incarcerated parent, their children, and caregivers on the prison grounds for an unforgettable day of games, food, crafts, relationship building where hearts can be minded and relationships strengthened.
Our program is designed for the participants to experience Christ’s heart of reconciliation. Offenders are encouraged to pray and to speak into their children’s lives, encouraging and uplifting them.
Blessing Bags – For 11 years Disciples 4 Christ has provided hygiene blessing bags to 3000+ offenders. Each bag has a body wash, deodorant, Christmas Cards, Christmas Cookies, a bag of candy, instant coffee, hot chocolate, a day planner, and evangelism tracks.
Annual Fundraisers – Throughout the year we host events that raise the money to fund our programs.
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Mission Statement
Disciples 4 Christ embodies the call set forth in Matthew 28:19 to go make disciples in all the nations.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”
Our mission is to provide programs and resources to meet the needs of the Prison Community, unit chaplains, offenders, and their families – changing the culture from one of crime to one of hope and restoration from the love of Jesus Christ.
What We Believe
We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God
We believe in the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three in one, equal and eternal
We believe that Jesus died, was raised, will return again, and is the only mediator between God and man
We believe that Jesus, at the end of the age, will return to the earth, visibly, physically, and gloriously, to judge all men and to receive His Church to Himself
We believe that men are born dead in their sins and they must be born again
Our goal is to restore those who are affected by crime and incarceration. Disciples 4 Christ believes that all people are created in God’s image and no life is beyond God’s reach. We seek to restore hope to those affected by crime and incarceration by introducing offenders, victims, and their families to the redeeming power available through Jesus Christ. We believe that a restorative approach through the renewing of the mind inspired by the Word of God is the only way for true change.
Our Vision
Disciples 4 Christ’s vision is that a prison system can be more than just a place where people “pay their debt to society.” We believe the system can be a place where lives are healed, transformed, and restored. We see a future where the cycle of crime and incarceration is broken, recidivism rates are reduced dramatically, and prisoners are restored to their families, communities, and faith.
Our Partners
Disciples 4 Christ is a coalition of Churches and Ministries providing spiritual guidance, mentoring, life skills training, parenting classes, and other programs for incarcerated men and women and their families.
Harvest Bible – Quinlan, TX
Northplace Church – Sachse, TX
First Baptist Wylie – Wylie, TX
Theos Ministry – Greenville, TX
Church In The City – Rowlett, TX
Crosspoint Baptist Church – Terrell, TX
Chastity Marie (www.chastitymarie.com) – Caddo Mills, TX