Have you ever taken a good look at the first Christmas (Luke 2:1-38 KJV)?
As I studied over the scriptures I realized that today’s commercialized Christmas isn’t much different. Just like today there were those who just couldn’t understand the depth of what was taking place.
· The Merchants who’s focus is on the almighty dollar (Innkeeper who didn’t have a room for them, but most likely charged them for the stable.) (Luke 2:7).
· The Politicians who were more concerned about the census and taxes than the birth of our Savior (Caesar) (Matthew 2:1).
· Then there was those who were just concerned about themselves (King Herod) (Matthew 2:1-12).
But what about the ones who had eyes to see and hearts to receive?
· Mary, the mother of Jesus, Mary who had a willing heart (Luke 1:26-38).
· Joseph the stepfather of Jesus, who cared enough to love and raise the child as his own (Matthew 1:18-24)?
· The Shepherds who hurried to the manager (Luke 2:15-20).
· The Wise Men who brought Him gifts (Matthew 2:10-12).
· Simeon, who knew his eyes had seen God’s salvation (Luke 2:30).
· Anna, the prophet who gave thanks to God and spoke of the children to all who would listen (Luke 2:38).
Let me ask you what does this season mean to you? Which category do you fall into? Are you amongst those who are more concerned about your own welfare? Or do you have eyes to see and a heart to receive?