Thank you to all who prayed for our time at the Coffield unit yesterday! Our volunteers came away rejoicing at the blessed and purposeful time they had with the men there! Around 500 men showed up to participate in great worship, hear amazing testimonies and an awesome message on Running from God. Such a powerful service that saw the lives of these men greatly touched, with around 50 of them coming down for prayer! Six of our guys went to the Ad Seg area to minister to around 50 men, who were eager to talk to with our volunteers. We are so grateful that God so richly blessed our first outreach in this unit!
So many of our volunteers walked away greatly impacted by their time there. We thought you might enjoy hearing what they had to say.
Volunteer Mario:
“My experience at Coffield was exhilarating, heartwarming, and heart rending all at the same time. I am so overjoyed to see and be with all of the men and love on them.”
Volunteer Ronald:
“I really enjoyed going to the Coffield unit. It was encouraging and really started a fire within me again!”
Volunteer Lance:
“Today’s service at Coffield was amazing! The presence of God was unmistakable! The worship and testimonies were powerful and moving! Glory to God! When preparing to speak today, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was a little nervous to say the least, but as the service began, I felt so much peace. I was honored and blessed to have been a part of this day and this ministry.”
We were also excited to hear back from one of the men of Coffield, Brother Vigil, who shared with us what this day meant to him.
“What an incredible day! We cannot thank you and your ministry enough for such an awesome and powerful service. The testimonies, the messages, the worship…it was all so much needed for us! The Spirit of God was so strong today, the experience just overflowed our hearts. We literally cannot wait for you guys to come back for another service, and whatever else God opens doors to plan for. We’ve heard from a lot of brothers how blessed they were by all the testimonies, and the message given really touched my heart!”
This kind of ministry is so wonderful in the way it greatly impacts not only those who receive it, but also those who volunteer to go in and give of their time and resources to reach these men for Christ. We want to thank all of those who participated in this event and for those who covered it in prayer!