“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
I woke up one morning at the age of 20 to find my daughter dead. I wanted to die too because I didn’t know how to live without her, even though I had two sons that needed me. I know that since I’ve truly given my life to Christ, I will one day see her. We think life is forever when living for the world, but it (life) only applies to those in Christ that is made alive.
Have you ever seen “The Walking Dead”? That’s what we look like when we don’t accept Christ, walking around putting people that cross our path on life-support, waiting to die…unable to reach satisfaction because they are searching for the wrong doctor to help them. When we accept the real doctor – Christ – our lives change and the lives that cross our path change also. We then get off life-support to a Holy Ghost connecting power support system, that contains the blood of Christ flowing through our veins, bringing life to a dying world.
It is written in I Corinthians 15:22 that, “For as in Adam all die, so in Christ, all will be made alive.”. There are two races of people in the world – the natural and the spiritual. Adam is the federal head of the natural race and Christ Jesus is the federal head of the spiritual race. Which side are you on?