Remember the two characters of Beauty and The Beast? Beast was big, fierce, strong, and even mean. Beauty on the other hand was kind, compassionate and gentle. Which character would you want to be?
Most people choose Beauty. She was beautiful inside and out. Yet, when she looked at Beast, she could not see past the ugliness and sin. She had to go through a transformation to see the beauty in Beast. There had to be a heart change.
What about Beast? Beast was a man at one time. He was beautiful on the outside but inside was still full of ugliness. When he met Beauty, he wanted to change. Beauty brought about the transformation. The beauty inside came out.
Beauty or Beast? You can always be beautiful on the outside, but this type of beauty is only temporary. God wants you to be beautiful from the inside out. That is the kind of transformation God has for us, eternal and beautiful. Beauty from within must come out, and what's inside counts in God's eyes (I Samuel 16:7 NIV).
Beauty and Beast found each other. Love benefitted them and everyone around them. The whole palace thrived, love blossomed, and there was cause for a celebration. There is cause for celebration when you come to God, because it is an eternal transformation. That means when you die, you go to Heaven, to be with God forever. God is waiting, arms wide open. Come now, as you are, hearts wide open. Just like the Beast - open up, receive, and let love transform you
Beast wanted Beauty, but he knew he had to change, and that’s when love blossomed. When you know you have to change, come to God; He does the changing. God beautifies us by transforming us to be more like Jesus and this is done through the power of the Holy Spirit living on the inside of us. You love God first, then you are able to love others. Romans 12:2 says, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed, by the renewing of your mind. Then, you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will."
Life is not a fairy tale. Television is make believe, life is reality. Jesus said in John 16:33 (NIV), "I have told you these things, so that in Me you will have peace. In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world." Transformation turns things around. Where you turn and who you turn to changes. You are not of this world any longer (John 17:16 NIV). You are still in the world, but you do not have to be of the world. Look to God, not the world.
You are to guard your heart and keep it pure (Prov. 4:23 NIV). Beast did not guard his heart and that is why it was filled with ugliness. After the transformation, his eyes were opened to see true beauty. You are the same, you don't see real beauty unless you are allowing God to transform you. It is a lifetime process. Beast's chance for transformation happened when he met Beauty. He resisted a long time, just like you may have done. We may resist, but all must come willingly to God. Come as you are and choose Jesus! His Holy Spirit living inside of you is what causes real transformation to take place, and His love can transform anyone!