Wisdom: Psalm 111:10
“The fear of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (vs 10a). Men are often commended for their wisdom, whether they are philosophers, great military leaders, popular movie stars, athletes, or politicians. They are credited every day for their “wise words”, but are those words always wise? Whose wisdom are we using to measure the actions of our wise people today? The Bible speaks of two kinds of wisdom. The wisdom of this world (I Corinthians 3:19 KJV) and wisdom that comes from God (James 1:5 KJV). The Apostle Paul says that “the wisdom of this world is foolishness”.
When I think of all our leaders today who have denied and totally rejected our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, all I can do is agree with our brother Paul. A man once said that it’s not a good idea to drive around at night with your headlights turned off, and another man said that a sinful nation that has forsaken its God is like one that has gone away backward (Isaiah 1 KJV). Both of these men are wise in their sayings, but at least the one driving at night with no headlights has limited vision. The one who has forsaken Jehovah is blind and not even all the light of the sun in the middle of the day can help him see.
When I think of all our leaders today who have denied and totally rejected our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, all I can do is agree with our brother Paul. A man once said that it’s not a good idea to drive around at night with your headlights turned off, and another man said that a sinful nation that has forsaken its God is like one that has gone away backward (Isaiah 1 KJV). Both of these men are wise in their sayings, but at least the one driving at night with no headlights has limited vision. The one who has forsaken Jehovah is blind and not even all the light of the sun in the middle of the day can help him see.
If you’ve been walking around blindly lately or just can’t make the kind of decisions that you want to make, stop what you’re doing and make time for the God of Heaven and Earth. Maybe you haven’t seen Him moving in your life because He hasn’t seen you sitting still in prayer. Maybe you don’t know the One who illuminates, the Creator of the whole universe. Let me introduce you – His Name is Jesus.
Prayer: “Father, Your Word says that I’m a sinner and worthy of death, and I confess that Your Word is Truth. Your Word also says that if I confess Your Son Jesus as Lord of my life and believe in my heart that You raised Him from the dead, I will be saved…”. (Dear Reader, the rest is up to you) *Romans 3:23, 6:23, and 10:9 KJV