“Yet he (Abraham) did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God but was strengthened in His faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what He had promised.” – Romans 4:20-21 (NIV)
I can recall at the age of 4, my family and I were going to the state fair. I wanted to ride the Ferris wheel but was afraid. My Dad assured me that it was okay because my Mom and brother were going with me. As we got higher, I started to see a different point of view, and indeed, it was okay! As a child, I trusted my earthly father, but there’s a man in the Bible by the name of Abraham who trusted his Heavenly Father to go before him, the God who could see the whole picture.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be like Abraham? God promised him land that his offspring would inherit, even though Abraham was 75 years old and didn’t even have a son (Genesis 12:7). Yet, Abraham believed and he received. Simple enough we may think, but remember, he was married to Sarah who laughed at the idea of bearing Abraham a son (Genesis 18:12). She thought they were too old, it was too difficult, and it was definitely impossible. She laughed, but Abraham believed. “…and his faith did not waver.” (v. 20) It took 25 years from when the promise was made until the promise was fulfilled (Genesis 12:7, 21:5).
At that time, I believe the enemy tried to discourage them both. In fact, he tried to sidetrack and distract them from the promise. Sarah told Abraham to sleep with her female servant so she could bear him a son in her place (Genesis 16:1-4). Sarah grew weary in waiting, so she tried to make sense of what God had said, although God had said something completely different.
How is the enemy discouraging you today? What is he using to sidetrack you from God’s promise? Is he telling you that your prayers are going unheard? Has it been days, weeks, maybe even years and still no answer? Are you afraid to believe, maybe because of the impossibility of the situation? Maybe you say you don’t want to get your hopes up, or you’ve tried before and failed. Well, that’s exactly where God shows up. Remember, what Jesus did for us on the cross wasn’t easy or simple. The forgiveness, mercy, and grace that we receive is a miracle. He wants to reveal His power in our weaknesses (2 Corinthians 12:9).
While you’re thinking God hasn’t answered, He’s moving hearts, placing people where they need to be, and aligning every situation in place. Will you dare to trust Him in the quietness, or are you going to give up? You never know when you’re only one prayer away from your miracle. Sarah wasn’t a perfect woman, but she believed in a perfect, faithful God, and that alone makes her a faithful woman (Hebrews 11:11). Abraham didn’t know where he was going, yet he obeyed God and went (Hebrews 11:8). God gives us the exact measure of faith we need to face our trials (Romans 12:3) – just as He did with Sarah and Abraham